Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tiffany Miles completes EMT training

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of Tri-Village Rescue and the members of “The Team for Life” we would like to congratulate Mrs. Tiffany Miles of Palestine, Ohio, for completing the EMT Basic course held at Upper Valley Medical Centers. This course was 140 hours of instruction and clinical rotation to prepare Tiffany to Challenge the National Registry of EMT testing which she passed.

Tiffany has been running with Tri-Village Rescue since January of this year while going to school at night to become an EMT. Tiffany lives in Palestine, Ohio with her husband Corey Miles and 3 children Mallory, Tiara and Dakota. Tiffany is also very active as a Girl Scout Leader. Tri-Village Rescue Services is very dependent on Volunteers to maintain its level of service. Once again congratulations Tiffany, welcome to the TEAM.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Tiffany for passing her tests. I commend her for volunteering her time to help provide this critical community service.


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