Tuesday, August 17, 2010

DAR is accepting donated DVDs for our overseas troops

Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) is accepting donations of DVD movies for our troops that are overseas.

The Ohio DAR Junior American Citizens Committee has established “Project Patriot”. They are asking all the Ohio DAR chapters to participate in collecting DVD movies to send to our troops overseas.

Jack Harless, Harless Chiropractic, has been kind enough to have his office as a drop-off location for donated DVDs. If anyone has any DVDs to donate for our troops, please drop them off at 830 E. Main St Greenville, OH by Friday Aug 20th.

Thank you for your support. Debbie Nisonger, Vice Regent, Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR


  1. Old side walk before they put in the one that's used today

  2. I would like to thank everyone that donated DVD movies to the Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR. I was able to take 152 DVDs to the state conference meeting. If anyone would still like to donate, DVDs can be dropped off at Harless Chiropractic. Big thanks to Harless Chiropractic for volunteering to be a drop-off location.
    Debbie Nisonger, Vice Regent


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