Sunday, October 9, 2011

UPDATE: Female Chocolate Lab Roams North Side of Greenville

A big thank you to all the citizens that have responded with multiple emails to our website!!! We are excited to have found out this week that there are many more concerned citizens about this lab than we initially thought. With this in mind, we are again asking for the help of our Greenville residents.

From your emails this week we have learned just the extent of her range. She is traveling from the city park across 118 around Magnolia Drive and behind Western Ohio Therapy into the Meadowgreen subdivision. Also, she is still being spotted around Sugarmaple Drive, Donald Drive, Marion Drive, Chippewa (North and South) and all along Russ and Rhoades Aves. The concern is growing with this as she is crossing main roads during busy times of the day. Here is how we need your would be of great help if we can learn who might be feeding her along her ways???? She is not staying long enough in one certain area for us to get there and find her. Anyone with a fenced back yard and is feeding her would be even better!! Please make sure the bottom of your fence is tight or she try to push out. Take your time with her and gain some trust as you may be a key in helping us catch her!!!

Please continue with all your emails and don’t give up on her as we are learning more from each one sent. Thank you again to all that are helping and for any information that you can pass along. We still need the locations/addresses and times of day that she is being spotted for our patterns that she is following. The Darke County Dog Warden is also involved in helping us with our continuing search. A web link on their home site with an email address has been set up titled “Ghost Dog.”

Here again are her pictures and our website:


  1. I saw that same dog going thru the drive thru at McD's. Seriously folks it is just a dog. Surley there are more important things you could be worried about.

  2. The dog appears to be well fed. Just a note to anyone putting out food for her. Dog food not only attracts dogs it also attracts skunks and raccoons. Be careful as both carry disease and of course you know about skunks rather unpleasant scent. ;-)

  3. i think it's the black panther that used to be in dayton

  4. Just saw the dog yesterday walking through yards near Sugar Maple Dr./Russ Rd.

  5. YA!!! I hope she out smarts every one and enjoys her freedom! Just keep up with the feeding.


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