Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Joyce Hart 150 Lifetime Donor!
DARKE COUNTY, OH — (February 13, 2012) Community Blood Center (CBC) Community Blood Center congratulates all of the following donors for reaching their milestones. Thanks to the generosity of all donors many lives have been saved.

Donors are recognized for their Life Time Donations (LTD) Milestones

Anissa Bashore, Lindsey Begoon, Kanesha Boney, Courtney Boroff, Alexis Boyd, Renee Browder, Christopher Harshbarger, Carmen Collett, Tabatha Davidson, Devan Devone, Mary Dillman, Chell Graves, Hillary Harmon, Todd Harshbarger, Angela Hemmelgarn, Dian Kaiser, John Keller, Reuben King, Casey Kirk, Daniel Langenkamp, Sara Morgan, Travis Nicholas, Diane Richard, Mary Richards, Jena Rindler, Justin Rismiller, Christian Savage, Matthew Shimp, Brian Short, Tracy Stacy, Rebecca Tennant, Elizabeth Turner, Christopher Watlers, Brandon Wetzel, Christopher Widener

10 LTD
Wendyl Baker, Douglas Best, Paul Boyer, Judy Brand, Shawn Brandenburg, James Brown, Carrie Drees, Trevor DeSchepper, Maggie Elliott, Beverly Fourman, Dane French, Joseph Gleason, Keith Hemmelgarn, Nate Henderson, Jessica Hildebrand, Mervin Hilty, Chris Knick, Lawrence Leppert, Lynne Mangen, Jennifer Miller, Shawn Peeples, Jeff Rademadchir, Clarence Richard, Scott Smith, Mary Wyne

20 LTD
Betsy Grillot, William Harter, Melvin Hocker, Billie Platfoot, Donald Rismiller, Dennis Shope, Tamara Smith, Janet Steinbrunner, Lisa Stucky, Gary Wisner II

25 LTD
Angela Baker, Michelle Bennett, DeAnn Black, Jan Demuth, David Morris, Gary Pemberton, Samuel Pohlman, Kim Rehmert, Andrea Townsend

30 LTD
Ron Broering, Dave George, Robert Goubeaux, Marge Harman, Betsy Hesson, Greg Spencer, Ann Wendel

40 LTD
Dennis Baker, Dee Carrington, Terry Cottrill, Kathy Daniels, Robert Ehlers, Ben Fore, Jacqueline Henry, Terry Ramge, Diana Reeder, Susan Staigl, Nancy Szilagyi, Kathy Thornton

50 LTD
Keith Didier, Ted Mangen, David Vail

60 LTD
Ronald Barga, Richard Murphy, Timothy Payton

75 LTD
Daniel Lawrence

80 LTD
Bernice Berger, Debra Kremer-Smith, Steve Schlechty, Jeanne Turpen

90 LTD
Ruth Argo, Tony Bruns, Joan Crissinger

110 LTD
Joe Barga, Sondra White

120 LTD
Scott Pepiot, Nicholas Schwartz

130 LTD
Harold Pohl, Sherri Thompson

140 LTD
Darlene Dillon, Perry Graves

150 LTD
Joyce Hart

170 LTD
David Hollinger

Congratulations Milestone Donors!

For information about blood drives in Darke County please contact Dana Puterbaugh, Darke County Account Representative at 937-997-2199 or

Blood Donation: Donors are required to provide a photo ID that includes their full name. Past CBC donors are also asked to bring their CBC donor ID card. Donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 years old with parental consent: form available at or at CBC branch & blood drive locations), weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, and be in good physical health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changes blood donor eligibility guidelines periodically. Individuals with eligibility questions are invited to email or call 1(800)388-GIVE. Make an appointment at

Community Blood Center/Community Tissue Services® is an independent, not-for-profit organization. Community Blood Center provides blood products to 24 hospitals within a 15-county service area in the Miami (Ohio) and Whitewater (Indiana) Valleys. For more information about Community Blood Center/Community Tissue Services®, visit

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