Taylor Dorn, a student musician from New Madison who attends Tri-Village High School, has been selected to be a part of a Music Ambassadors program that will tour Europe next summer. Taylor is busy raising funds to pay for the once in a lifetime opportunity, and a fundraiser will be held in October to help with the costs of trip.
Where: Melissa's Pub & Grub, 5440 Intrastate Dr. Fairborn, Ohio 45324
When: October 6th, 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
What: Sand volleyball, Cornhole tournaments, goldfish races, Turtle races, and a Band to be announced!
In addition, a special account has been created at Members Choice Credit Union in Greenville where anyone can make a contribution.
Here is a press release with details of the trip, and how Taylor's talents and dedication to music and her education led to this amazing opportunity:
In June of 2013, over 125 honor student musicians will gather at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, OH for three days of intensive rehearsals and a performance prior to departing to seven European countries for a 16 day tour.
Taylor Dorn, of New Madison, has been selected for this honor. Taylor is a member of the Tri-Village High School music program, directed by Kristen Verhoff. Taylor is the daughter of Lori Dean. Students were nominated for the 2013 Ohio Ambassadors of Music Tour based upon their level of musicianship, leadership, and character and were selected for participation by invitation. Each nominee received a copy of an ambassador of good will proclamation from the Governor's office honoring their selection.
Dr. Bruce Moss, Director of Bands at Bowling Green State University, will serve as Music Director for the tour. Moss will conduct the Honor Band, and Dr. Sandra Stegman, Choral Director at Bowling Green State University, will conduct the Honor Choir. The tour is designed by Voyageurs International, a Denver-based agency specializing in European music tours for numerous states throughout the country for over 40 years. This is the ninth such tour in the state of Ohio since 1997.
A pre-tour concert will be held in Kobacker Hall on the campus of Bowling Green State University prior to departure for Europe. This "send-off" Americana performance wil be open to the public at no charge.
The Ohio Ambassadors of Music honor band and chorus will share their music with European audiences in seven different countries and in a variety of performance settings. The tour will include stops in England, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy and Germany. The Ohio Ambassadors of Music Tour is an educational program designed for honor music students to perform and share their musical talents, while gaining cultural enrichment abroad.