Tuesday, April 2, 2013

ApologetiX to Perform in Greenville April 20

ApologetiX (That Christian Parody Band) specializes in Biblical parodies of rock hits from yesterday and today, including everything from Elvis to Eminem. It’s kind of like “Weird Al” Yankovic meets Billy Graham.

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ApologetiX has a simple, two-fold mission: to reach the lost and teach the rest. The band takes its name from the word “apologetics,” meaning the defense of the Christian faith (1 Peter 3:15). World-renowned author and apologetics expert Josh McDowell said this about them: “What a thrill to work with ‘that Christian parody band’ ApologetiX…The band distinguished themselves from other Christian musicians by including Bible Scripture in all of their lyrics, high-energy evangelism, and humor that was enjoyed by all ages. I can wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone.”

Parodies by ApologetiX have been heard on thousands of radio stations worldwide, including the Monumental Airshow, K-LOVE network, and the Salem-Broadcasting Network. ApologetiX has been interviewed many times on the top drive-time Christian radio audience in the country, KKLA’s afternoon-drive show in Los Angeles. They’ve also been featured on radio programs as diverse as the Howard Stern Show, Billy Graham’s “Decision Today,” and “The Dr. Demento Show.”

The ApologetiX will be Live in Concert on Saturday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m. They will be performing at the Pleasant View Missionary Church at 5231 Gettsyburg-Pitsburg Road in Greenville. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Tickets may be purchased at the Bread of Life Christian Bookstore or at Pleasant View Missionary Church. Call 447-3885 or e-mail: pleasant_view@embarqmail.com with any questions. Seating is limited.

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