Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wildlife Officers Matt Hoehn and Rick Rogers Promoted

Auglaize County Wildlife Officer Matt Hoehn and Warren County Wildlife Officer Rick Rogers were recently promoted to Wildlife Officer Field Supervisor positions in southwest Ohio according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife.

Officer Hoehn will be supervising six county officers in Unit A. Unit A counties include Auglaize, Clark, Darke, Mercer, Miami and Shelby. Officer Rogers will supervise the six counties in Unit C; they include Adams, Clinton, Greene, Highland, Montgomery and Warren.

A native of Delphos, Ohio, Officer Hoehn graduated from Delphos St. John High School in 1998. He then attended Hocking College where he received his Associate’s Degree in Fish and Wildlife Management, and his Ohio Peace Officer Certification in 2001. He was hired by the ODNR Division of Watercraft as a State Watercraft Officer in 2001, and assigned to Grand Lake Saint Mary’s. Hoehn was then accepted into the Ohio Division of Wildlife Officer Cadet Academy and graduated in July of 2003. Hoehn was first assigned to Cuyahoga County and transferred to Auglaize County in 2005.

Officer Rogers graduated from West Carrollton High School in 1985. He attended Montgomery County JVS in 1984-85 in the environmental science program. Rogers continued his education at Sinclair College where he received his Associate’s Degree in Conservation Law Enforcement. Rogers was accepted into the Ohio Division of Wildlife Officer Cadet Academy and graduated in July of 2001. Officer Rogers was assigned to Warren County in August of 2001 served 12 years there prior to accepting his promotion to Field Supervisor in August of 2013.

Both Hoehn and Rogers will be responsible for coordinating officers in their prospective units on wildlife law enforcement projects, fisheries and wildlife surveys, providing assistance to private landowners, organizing presentations and assistance to conservation clubs and public conservation events, as well as general supervisory activities.

To reach Officer Hoehn or Rogers, call the District Headquarters at (937) 372-9261.

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