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Darke County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Mark Whittaker speaks to the Darke County Republican Women’s Club regarding the drug problem facing Darke County residents. |
“No one wakes up and says to themselves, I’m going to start doing heroin today.” Said Whittaker. They get into the culture through many different ways. Some start with prescription pain killers.
Fom 2006 through November 8, 2013 - eight years - Darke County has had 42 deaths from drug overdoses. Females accounted for 43% and males accounted for 57%. Victims ranged in age from 18 to 79. Drugs causing the deaths were 48% due to prescription drugs, 36% due to heroin, 10% due to cocaine, 7% due to methadone, 5% due to excessive ethanol, and 2% due to OTC & fentanyl. In some instances, death was attributed to a combination of several drugs, and this is reflected in the percentages. In the ten years prior to 2006, there were 36 deaths attributed to drug overdose. Prescription drugs accounted for 97% of the deaths, street drugs were attributed in 53% of the deaths, and one death was attributed to huffing. Again, during these ten years, many deaths were attributed to more than one drug.
Whittaker spoke of the cost for rehabilitation services and also the cost of caring for individuals who overdose, but do not die. Often these individuals require around the clock nursing care. Rehabilitation services, incarceration and long term medical/nursing care are all are very draining on tax dollars.
Sam Bain, a member of Ohio Senator Bill Beagle’s staff was also in attendance and spoke briefly on Senator Beagle’s behalf
The next meeting of the Darke County Republican Women will be held at 6:30 p.m., December 9 at the Chestnut Village Center of the Brethren Home Retirement Community. This will be a Christmas celebration featuring an auction and other surprises. Members are requested to bring an item (or items) to be auctioned and guests for the evening. If you would like to dine with the group, the cost of the meal is $7.50, and reservations are due by December 5. Reservations that are placed, are expected to be paid in full. Reservations may be placed by calling Wavelene Denniston at (937) 547-6477 or emailing her at dcrwreservations@darkegop.org. If you would like to attend the meeting, but not dine, you may do so by arriving prior to 7 p.m.
The DCRWC is a group of Republican Women who meet monthly and work at the grass-roots level to elect Republican candidates, provide political and legislative knowledge and furnish community service. For further information, contact President Sally Zeiter at (937) 423-2391 or email her at: DCRWPresident@darkegop.org.