Thursday, October 16, 2014

MVCTC Receives Outstanding Program Recognition

Two MVCTC programs were recently recognized at the Southwest Ohio School Board Association Fall Meeting, “Outstanding Special Recognition Program” for the Hospitality Services Program and the MVCTC Computer Technology Academy – Game Programming and Web Applications program was recognized for being selected to participate in the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Student Achievement Fair. Pictured left to right – Ann Patton (MVCTC Supervisor); David Benton (Hospitality Services student from New Lebanon); Brittany Rinehart (Hospitality Services student from Vandalia); Tammi Newbourn (MVCTC Hospitality Services Instructor); Melissa Goodall (MVCTC Game Programming Instructor); Travis Engle (Game Programming student from Huber Heights); Sean Wilt (Game Programming student from Vandalia); and David Peltz (MVCTC Supervisor).
Englewood, Ohio -- The Southwest Region Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) recognized two Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) programs at the Southwest Region Fall Conference on Thursday, October 9, 2014, at the Warren County Career Center.

These annual awards recognize outstanding programs that promote student achievement. The MVCTC Hospitality Services Program was recognized as an “Outstanding Special Recognition Program” and the MVCTC Computer Technology Academy – Game Programming and Web Applications program was recognized for being selected to participate in the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Student Achievement Fair.

• “Outstanding Special Recognition Program” – The MVCTC Hospitality Services program is a workplace training program that prepares students for an entry level position in the Food and Lodging Industry. The program offers a modified curriculum for students with cognitive disabilities. The program partners with local business and industry to provide worksite experience for students. Current worksites include: Aramark Industries at Sinclair Community College where students work in a variety of food and banquet settings; Crowne Plaza where students learn linen management, room cleaning and preparation, and banquet service; Maria Joseph Living Care Center where students get on-the-job training in linens, food service, and activities working with residents; and Children’s Medical Center where students work with volunteer services. These worksites allow students to learn both hard and soft skills needed to get and keep a job.

Hospitality Services instructor, Mrs. Tammi Newbourn states, “students gain confidence and skills needed for workplace and independent living and display observable and measurable growth over the course of two years in the program”.

• “Student Achievement Fair Participant Recognition” – Computer Technology Academy – Game Programming and Web Applications program was selected by OSBA to participate in the Capital Conference to be held this November in Columbus. MVCTC students will share what they have learned in class which includes, creating software applications; 3D animations; computer games; and interactive web applications using programming code and specialized software.

For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties in Southwest Ohio. MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley.

For more information about MVCTC, visit

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